Jupyter Snippet NP ch01-Markdown

Jupyter Snippet NP ch01-Markdown

IPython notebook Markdown summary

Robert Johansson

Source code listings for Numerical Python - Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib (ISBN 978-1-484242-45-2).

Test notebook for Markdown table in Chapter 1.


Text that is surrounded by asterisks *text* is displayed as italics: text


Text that is surrounded by double asterisks **text** is displayed as bold: text


Text that is surrounded by double tidle ~~text~~ is displayed as strike-through: text

Fixed-width font

Text that is quoted with ` characters are displayed as fixed-width font:



URLs are written as [URL text](http://www.example.com): URL text

New paragraph

Separate the text of two paragraphs with an empty line.

This is a new paragraph.


Text that start with four spaces is displayed as verbatim:

def func(x):
    return x ** 2


The format for tables are as follows:

| A | B | C |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 2 3
4 5 6

Horizontal line

A line with three dashes --- is shown as a horizontal line:


Lines starting with one # is a heading level 1, ## is heading level 2, ### is heading level 3, etc.

Level 1 heading

Level 2 heading

Level 3 heading

Block quote

Lines that start with > are displayed as a block quote:

Text here is indented and offset from the main text body.

Unordered list

Unordered lists are created by starting lines with *

  • Item one
  • Item two
  • Item three

Ordered list

Ordered lists are created by simply enumerating lines with numbers followed a period: 1. …, 2. …, etc.

  1. Item one
  2. Item two
  3. Item three


Images can be included using ![Alternative text](image-file.png) or ![Alternative text](http://www.example.com/image.png):

Alternative text

Alternative text


Inline LaTeX equations can be included using $\LaTeX$: $\LaTeX$

Displayed LaTeX equations (centered, and on a new line): $$\LaTeX$$


It is also possible to use latex environments like equation, eqnarray, align:

\begin{equation} x = 1 \end{equation}

\begin{equation} x = 1 \end{equation}

\begin{eqnarray} x = 2 \end{eqnarray}

\begin{eqnarray} x = 2 \end{eqnarray}

\begin{align} x = 3 \end{align}

\begin{align} x = 3 \end{align}


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